(821c) Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions During Pyrolysis of a Woody Biomass Particle | AIChE

(821c) Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions During Pyrolysis of a Woody Biomass Particle


Tanoue, K. - Presenter, Yamaguchi University
Nishimura, T., Graduate School of Science and Engineering for innovation, Yamaguchi University
Taniguchi, M., Chugai Ro Co.ltd
Sasauchi, K. I., Chugai Ro Co.ltd
Murata, S., Graduate school of science and enginnering, Yamaguchi University
Irii, T., Graduate school of science and technology, Yamaguchi University
Uemura, Y., Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Heat and mass transfer have been investigated during fast pyrolysis of biomass particle. Temperature at the inside of the particle increased monotonously with time due to thermal conduction for T < 500K. The temperature increased slowly with time due to thermal conduction and heat of endothermic holo-cellulose decomposition for 500 K < T < 700 K. On the other hand, the temperature became higher than that at the surface of it due to heat of exothermic activated-lignin decomposition for T > 773 K. In order to investigate the effect of secondary tar decomposition, nitrogen career gas was introduced into the experimental test rig. Although the temperature distribution didn’t change even if the career gas input, generated gas flow rate was affected adequately by the secondary tar decomposition. Furthermore, numerical simulation for thermal conduction and parallel-successive heterogeneous chemical reactions in the biomass particle during pyrolysis has been also conducted and compared with the experimental results.


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