(418cs) Paper Prepared As PART of the Washington Internships for Students of Engineeering (WISE) Program | AIChE

(418cs) Paper Prepared As PART of the Washington Internships for Students of Engineeering (WISE) Program


Alderink, E. - Presenter, University of Michigan

Renewable energy – such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal – have been widely integrated into the United States electrical grid since 1990, but today, they still only account for 5.7% of the energy produced in this country. Many challenges exist that are preventing the widespread use of these forms of energy, therefore, hindering domestic energy security, environmental sustainability, and economic opportunity. One critical challenge is the lack of funding for research and development (R&D) of renewable energy that would enable and promote the discovery of scientific breakthroughs to improve these processes and products. The implementation of these discoveries would then ensure the latest technology is out on the market for the consumer, providing them with the most efficient, least expensive, most reliable sources of renewable energy. Some of the scarcity of R&D funding comes from the public opinion about renewable energy and the lack of public awareness; 83% of people do not know about the renewable power options available to them through their electric suppliers, even though 80% of consumers said they care about its use. If public awareness regarding renewable energy increased, and consumers and utility providers increased their capacity, it would increase the demand for inexpensive, renewable energy and drive the need for R&D. Policymakers need to enact legislation to increase funding for renewable energy R&D through allocation of the budget and private-sector investment in these technologies. They also need to ensure the money is prioritized across the suite of renewable technologies, while also educating the public to make more informed choices about where their electricity comes from.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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