(468g) Modeling Human Liver Perfusion Dynamics Using Time Course Metabolomics | AIChE

(468g) Modeling Human Liver Perfusion Dynamics Using Time Course Metabolomics


Sridharan, G. V. - Presenter, Center for Engineering in Medicine (CEM) at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Shriners Hospital for Children
Uygun, K., Center for Engineering in Medicine (CEM) at Massachusetts General Hospital – Harvard Medical School - Shriners Hospital for Children
Bruinsma, B., Center for Engineering in Medicine (CEM) at Massachusetts General Hospital – Harvard Medical School - Shriners Hospital for Children
Yarmush, M. L., Center for Engineering in Medicine (CEM) at Massachusetts General Hospital – Harvard Medical School - Shriners Hospital for Children


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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