(47b) Cost Analysis for Retrofit of Coal-Fired Power Plants with Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Technology | AIChE

(47b) Cost Analysis for Retrofit of Coal-Fired Power Plants with Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Technology


Sayyah, M. - Presenter, ADA Environmental Solutions, Inc.
Morris, W. J., ADA-ES, Inc.
Sjostrom, S., ADA Environmental Solutions

The escalating level of atmospheric carbon dioxide is one of the biggest environmental challenges of our age. CO2 capture and storage from large point sources such as coal-fired power plants is considered a viable path towards CO2 mitigation. Among the CO2 capture processes under investigation, post-combustion technology has the advantage that the equipment can be retrofitted to the existing infrastructures.  In addition, post combustion capture may be tuned for specific CO2 capture targets which only require partial capture such as the NSPS proposed limit of 1,100 lbs of CO2/MWhr for coal fired power plants.

This presentation will discuss the cost analysis for post combustion based capture processes based on the methodology of Case 11, 550 MWe supercritical coal-fired units as discussed in the report by the Department of Energy.[1] The presentation will assess the sensitivity of costs associated with capital and operational expenditures as a result of solvent properties such as energy penalty of the plant equipped with a post-combustion capture technology.  Significant current research focuses on reduction of the energy penalty associated with post combustion capture; however, the costs of CO2 capture may not be dominated by the energy penalty of the process.  This presentation will also assess the viability of $40/tonne of CO2capture targets for post combustion systems and predicted capital cost and energy penalty requirements to achieve DOE targets for 2025.

[1] DOE/NETL 2007, Cost and Performance Baseline for Fossil Energy Plants, Volume 1: Bituminous Coal and Natural Gas to Electricity, Rev. 2, DOE/NETL-2010/1397, November 2010.