(560b) Polymerized Ionic Liquid Block Copolymers As Anion Exchange Membranes for Alkaline Fuel Cells | AIChE

(560b) Polymerized Ionic Liquid Block Copolymers As Anion Exchange Membranes for Alkaline Fuel Cells


Elabd, Y. A. - Presenter, Drexel University
Ye, Y., Drexel University
Nykaza, J., Drexel University
Meek, K., Drexel University

Alkaline fuel cells (AFCs) with hydroxide-conducting anion exchange membranes (AEMs) as solid-state electrolytes provide advantages over proton exchange membrane fuel cells, such as the potential to produce high power densities with non-noble metal catalysts. However, long-lasting AFCs require the synthesis of new AEMs that possess high hydroxide conductivity, high chemical and electrochemical stability and mechanical robustness. In this talk, we report on the synthesis and properties of several new polymerized ionic liquid (PIL) block copolymers as hydroxide-conducting AEMs for AFCs. PIL block copolymers combine the advantageous properties of both PILs and block copolymers. Specifically, the unique physiochemical properties of PILs, such as high solid-state ionic conductivity, high chemical, thermal, mechanical and electrochemical stability, and widely tunable physical properties, are incorporated in the block copolymer architecture, which allows for self-assembly into a range of nanostructures, where morphology type and domain size are tunable. The hydroxide conductivity, chemical stability, and morphology of the PIL block copolymers synthesized in this study will be discussed in relation to solid-state AEMs for AFCs.
