(663d) Production Water Recovery Processing and Reuse | AIChE

(663d) Production Water Recovery Processing and Reuse


Production water is a product of natural gas and natural gas liquids recovery operations.  It is primarily derived of flow back water from the well operations.  The recovery, processing and reuse of production water is becoming increasingly the key to unlocking the potential of natural gas resources.  Without the ability to process the volumes of production water, the use of water for the natural gas recovery operation becomes limited.  The natural gas and the natural gas liquids that can be brought to market using the emerging drilling and recovery methods represents a significant long term opportunity. 

Presented is a production water processing system.   The integrated system identifies major constituent disposition.  The final products include water meeting both re-injection and surface water reuse quality specifications.  The removed constituents are produced in a form made available for feedstock to other downstream chemical operations.  The non-recoverable wastewater and constituent are minimized.  The economics of the system design are presented in generally accepted financial metrics for chemical operations investment.