(680d) Development of a Robust API Crystallization in a Multi-Component Solvent Mixture: Using High Throughput Automation As an Enabling Technology to Develop Comprehensive Solubility Maps | AIChE

(680d) Development of a Robust API Crystallization in a Multi-Component Solvent Mixture: Using High Throughput Automation As an Enabling Technology to Develop Comprehensive Solubility Maps


Cohen, B. - Presenter, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Mahoney, M., Bristol-Myers Squibb
Remy, B., Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.
Qiu, J., Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.
Sfouggatakis, C., Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.
Shi, Z., Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Wang, C., Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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