D.I.C. Wang Award Lecture | AIChE

This award is co-sponsored by the Society for Biological Engineers.

In appreciation of Prof. Daniel I.C. Wang’s contributions to education and research in biochemical engineering as well as his technological innovations in bioprocessing. This award has been established by the Society for Biological Engineering. The award will be presented to a distinguished biochemical engineer and biotechnologist by the Biochemical Technology Division of the American Chemical Society and by the Food, Pharmaceuticals and Bioengineering Division of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and the Society of Biological Engineering.

The 2015 D.I.C. Wang Award for Excellence in Biochmical Engineering will be presented by Wilfred Chen.

Adding Logic to Complex Protein Functions

Wilfred Chen, Gore Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Delaware

Proteins are the most versatile among the various biological building blocks. However, the strength of proteins - their versatility and specific interactions - also complicates and hinders their systematic design and engineering. Our lab has been interested in exploiting the modular nature of protein domains to design synthetic complexes that can perform new biological functions. By adding logical components into the design, protein complexes that are dynamic rather than static in nature can be created to adapt to the constantly changing cellular environments. In this presentation, I will outline several successful examples in connecting exchangeable protein domains for predicative engineering applications in (1) energy substantiality and (2) human health.
