Quadrennial Technology Review
An Assessment of Energy Technologies and Research Opportunities
Booming domestic production of oil and natural gas, a ninefold increase in solar photovoltaic energy generation, and a near doubling of wind power have dramatically changed the United States' energy landscape over the last four years. Building upon the first Quadrennial Technology Review (QTR) released in 2011, the 2015 Quadrennial Technology Review explores the rapidly-evolving nature of energy technology and scientific capability to address the economic, environmental and security challenges that the United States faces.
The 2015 QTR examines the current state of hundreds of energy technologies and the research, development, demonstration and deployment opportunities to advance them, providing one of the most comprehensive assessments of the technological opportunities to sustain and deepen our clean energy revolution ever completed. Insight gained from this analysis will help inform decision makers as they develop funding decisions and strategic actions regarding investments in energy technologies in the years to come.
Join us for a presentation by Dr. Franklin (Lynn) Orr, Under Secretary for Science and Energy on the 2015 Quadrennial Technology Review.
Released in September 2015, the Innovating Clean Energy Technologies in Advanced Manufacturing chapter of the QTR 2015 is of particular interest to Chemical Engineers. The DOE is considering funding for manufacturing institutes or hubs in the following technology areas:
- Critical Materials
- Advanced Sensors, Control, Platforms, and Modeling for Manufacturing
- Process Intensification
- Materials for Harsh Service Conditions