This award is sponsored by the Society for Biological Engineers.
In memory of Professor Jay Bailey for his many pioneering contributions to biotechnology, the award is presented to an individual who has had an important impact on bioengineering and whose achievements have advanced this profession in any of its aspects. The recipient should have a distinguished record of service to the profession. They should also be involved in the direct engagement of biology with engineering.
The SBE's 2015 James E. Bailey Award lecture will presented by Dr. Martin Fussenegger.
Metabolic Engineering for the Treatment of Metabolic Disease
Martin Fussenegger, Professor of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, ETH Zurich Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering (D-BSSE)
Since Paracelsus’ (1493-1541) definition that the dosing makes the drug the basic treatment strategies have lagely remained unchanged. We continue to use a precise prescribed dose of a small-molecule drug, a protein therapeutic or a therapeutic transgene to modulate or complement the activity of a disease-relevant target. However, this treatment concept does neither consider the metabolic dynamics nor the interdependence of the most important pathophysiologies of the 21st century such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disorders. Synthetic biology-inspired prosthetic networks may act as metabolic prostheses that provide the dynamic interventions, the immediate pre-disease action and the multi-target capacity required to meet with the treatment challenges of the future. Prosthetic networks consist of synthetic sensor-effector gene circuits that (i) seamlessly operate in implanted designer cells, (ii) constantly sense, monitor and score metabolic disturbanes in peripheral circulation, (iii) process OFF-level concentrations of pathologic metabolites, and (iv) coordinate an adjusted therapeutic response in an (v) automatic and self-sufficient manner. We will present our latest generation of synthetic mammalian gene circuits and provide a few examples of prosthetic networks operating in animal models of prominent human diseases to highlight the challenges and impact of metabolic engineering and synthetic biology on future biomedical applications.
Biotechnology Progress Award for Excellence in Biological Engineering Publication
The Biotechnology Progress Award for Excellence in Biological Engineering Publication winner will also be recognized during the James E. Bailey Award session.
The Biotechnology Progress Award for Excellence in Biological Engineering Publication recognizes outstanding contributions to the literature in biomedical engineering, biological engineering, biotechnology, biochemical engineering and related fields. The award, which is presented annually at the AIChE Annual Meeting, celebrates excellence and foundational contributions to biotechnology and biological engineering through a body of work: a seminal paper, a review, a research report, or other material of significant interest and importance.
This year’s Biotechnology Progress Award for Excellence in Biological Engineering Publication winner is Anne Skaja Robinson, Chair of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Catherine and Henry Boh Professor of Engineering at Tulane University.