New Topical Conferences for 2015

Dive into the latest research and thinking emerging in critical growth areas. Two new Topical Conferences place you at the forefront of "Chemical Engineers in Medicine" and "Entrepreneurial Chemical Engineering". Whatever your role, if you’re working in related areas you’re sure to benefit from these focused sessions.
Chemical Engineers in Medicine
From medical devices and diagnostics to tissue engineering, drug delivery and beyond, chemical engineers and chemical engineering principles are changing the face of modern medicine. Examine the many contributions and new developments at this important emerging interface of healthcare and engineering.
Entrepreneurial Chemical Engineering
Get your innovative juices flowing as you explore how to develop an entrepreneurial mindset, turn ideas into reality and add more value in your role. Today more than ever chemical engineers are charged with bringing products to market not just out of the plant.
(This Topical Conference is sponsored by the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneuring Excellence (CIEE), the AIChE Management Division and the Chemical Engineering & the Law Forum of AIChE)
Plus, get detailed information on 9 additional Topical Conferences being held at this year's Meeting
- 2015 Annual Meeting of the AES Electrophoresis Society
- 2015 International Congress on Energy
- Advances in Fossil Energy R&D
- Emerging Frontiers in Systems and Synthetic Biology
- Environmental Aspects, Applications, and Implications of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
- Innovations of Green Process Engineering for Sustainable Energy and Environment
- Nanomaterials for Energy Applications
- Sensors
- Sustainable Food Production