(153b) Enhanced Cooling By an Oscillating Droplet on DMF Platform | AIChE

(153b) Enhanced Cooling By an Oscillating Droplet on DMF Platform


Chakraborty, M. - Presenter, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
DasGupta, S. - Presenter, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Ghosh, A. - Presenter, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Ghosh, U. U. - Presenter, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Significant change in the contact
angle of a liquid droplet, placed on a dielectric solid brought about by
externally applied electric field and subsequent wetting, is commonly known as
Electrowetting on Dielectric (EWOD) and this has resulted into a new paradigm,
Digital Microfluidics (DMF) as a faster and more efficient means of handling
micro or nanoliters of liquid droplets [1]. Although many of the modern cooling
techniques can produce significantly high heat transfer rates, they fail to
meet the demand of dynamic cooling of hot-spots on a chip having non-uniform
thermal profiles [2]. Digital Microfluidics (DMF) offers the benefit of
controlling and manipulating individual droplets of volume less than a micro-liter,
placed on an array of electrodes [3-4] and can also be effectively used in
maximizing heat extraction from microchips with varying temperature distribution.
DMF can use EWOD as a tool to drive discrete drops in the desired direction under
externally controlled electrodes [5]. These drops transfer, store and remove
heat from the integrated circuit surface and travel back to the coolant

 The DMF methods
discussed above employ static drops on the hot-spot and limit their heating to
liquid phase only. The aim of the present work is to incorporate oscillation in
the drop to create faster evaporation and thereby enhanced cooling. The
ultimate strategy may involve a DMF platform wherein several drops would be
moved to the different hot sites, oscillate simultaneously upon switching on
the specific electrodes with a pulse input of DC, for enhanced heat extraction.
The study of Chakraborty et al.[6] on the cooling enhancement by an oscillating
droplet on EWOD platform is extended to an oscillating droplet on a DMF platform.

An array of electrode is designed (AutoCAD) for actuating and
controlling the motion of droplets. The array comprises of eighteen electrodes,
each consisting of two interconnected pads (Figure 1). The bigger pad (a square
having dimension of 1.4x1.4 mm) acts as the electrode pad, while the smaller
one (a square having dimension 1x1 mm) acts as the connection pad for the
external circuit. A normal glass slide is coated with aluminum (195 nm
thickness) using chemical vapor deposition technique.

Figure 1
Schematic of the Electrode

Next, electrodes are fabricated by photo-lithography
techniques and are subsequently coated with PDMS (dielectric layer) using a
spin coater (500 rpm for 30 seconds; 5000
rpm for 70 seconds) and then with a thin protective layer of Teflon (solution
spin coated at 3000 rpm for 30 seconds;  cured
at 112 °C for 10 minutes followed by at 175 °C for 25 minutes). This result in
a 13µm of PDMS layer and 23.3 nm of Teflon layer thickness. Coating thicknesses have been
measured using a profilometer. The coated substrate is attached to a printed
circuit board (PCB) and connected to an external electronic circuit.

 On application of a
pulsating electric field, a rapid, reversible and cyclic change in the shape of
the drop, on the fabricated DMF, platform is noted which depended on the
voltage and delay time of the pulse. The oscillation of the droplet is
quantified by a frame by frame analysis of the  
captured motion using a high speed camera attached with the goniometer.   It is
observed that the frequency of drop oscillation increases with a decrease in
the delay time of the pulse input but is independent of the applied voltage.
The frequency of oscillation is higher in case of smaller microdrops. Maximum
change of contact angle is found to take place at the beginning of a pulse
input and it is a strong function of pulse voltage. The decrease in the droplet
temperature is more for an oscillating drop compared to that with a static drop
of same size. Results indicate that the oscillation of the drop enhances heat
transfer with a marked decrease in the evaporation time of the droplet. The
maximum percentage increase in evaporation rate is found to be 15.2 % at 250 V
and 25 ms using a 3 μL droplet over that of an evaporating static drop of
the same size. It is envisaged that the pulsating voltage induced internal flow
within the drop would give rise to higher heat transfer rate.


G.M. Whitesides, "The origin and the future of microfluidics,"  Nature  vol. 442, pp.368-373, 2006

P. Y. Paik, ?Adaptive hot-spot cooling principles and design?, Artech house
publ., Norwood, MA, USA, Chapter 3, 2007.

[3] K. Choi, A. H. C. Ng, R.  Fobel, 
and A. R. Wheeler, ?Digital microfluidics?, Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry vol 5, pp. 413-440, 2012.

[4] M. Abdelgawad,  A. R. Wheeler, ?The digital revolution: A new
paradigm for microfluidics?, Advanced
  vol 20, pp. 1-6, 2008.

[5]  R. B. Fair, ?Digital microfluidics: is a true
lab-on-a-chip possible??, Microfluid Nanofluid 
vol 3, pp. 245-281, 2007.

[6] M. Chakraborty, A. Ghosh, S.
DasGupta,. " Enhanced microcooling by electrically induced droplet
oscillation," RSC Advance vol 4,
pp. 1074-1082, 2014.



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