(228a) IQ Consortium Enabling Technologies for Pharma | AIChE

(228a) IQ Consortium Enabling Technologies for Pharma


Tummala, S. - Presenter, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Tom, J. W. - Presenter, Bristol-Myers Squibb

The International Consortium for Innovation and Quality in Pharmaceutical Development (IQ) is a technically-focused organization of pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies with a mission of advancing science-based and scientifically-driven standards and regulations for pharmaceutical products worldwide. Since 2013, it has established an ‘Enabling Technologies Working Group’ to identify opportunities among member companies in the pre-competitive space to enable cost-effective and relevant solutions to improve efficiency and quality in the R&D process with respect to API process development. The working group has identified projects of mutual interest, and subject-matter experts and champions to lead technical area sub-teams with the goal of creating proposals to progress on these projects. This presentation provides an update on the progress of the overall ‘Enabling Technologies’ effort with focus on modeling, crystallization, drying, solubility, and automation.