(237c) Effect of Electrical Field on the Effective Parameters of Non-Newtonian Fluid | AIChE

(237c) Effect of Electrical Field on the Effective Parameters of Non-Newtonian Fluid


Dueck, S. - Presenter, California Baptist University

Devices of cylindrical geometry are often utilized in the process of solute separations involving pharmaceuticals and metabolites. In the area of electrical field flow fractionation (EFFF) several parameters have been investigated to optimize solute separation [Pascal, Oyanader and Arce, 2010]. However, the study of a Non-Newtonian carrier fluid has yet to be fully investigated due to the complexity of the analysis and mathematical derivation. The main focus of this contribution is to further the knowledge and understanding of the carrier fluid effect on the effective velocity and effective diffusivity, as well as the optimal time of separation. Using area averaging methodology, the comparison between the analytical solution of the Newtonian and Non-Newtonian case are studied. Effective transport parameters have been combined to obtain the optimal operating conditions for the separation of solutes in cases where pseudo-plastic or dilatant fluids are involved, allowing for the examination on the effective velocity profile and also the role of the power law “n” parameter and the magnitude of the applied electrical field. Special consideration is given to the fact that the traditional simplification from cylindrical to rectangular coordinates does not capture the Non-Newtonian behavior of a fluid


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