(253b) Observing the Formation of MOF Particles in Microfluidic Reactor | AIChE

(253b) Observing the Formation of MOF Particles in Microfluidic Reactor


He, K. - Presenter, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Yeung, K. L. - Presenter, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Observing the formation of MOF particles in microfluidic reactor


Kailin He1, King Lun Yeung1,2,*

1Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, 2Division of Environment, 3Nano Science and Technology Program, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong, P.R. China

*Corresponding author: kekyeung@ust.hk


Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) offer near infinite possibilities of structures and chemistries with an unparalleled opportunity to engineer their functionality at a molecular level to target specific application of societal concerns. Indeed, MOFs have been designed to capture, transport, store, and convert CO2 as a way to mitigate the greenhouse gas problem. Photoactive MOFs are shown to be efficient in converting solar energy to electricity and fuel, while many MOFs have the desired attributes for treating environmental pollutions. Their potential uses extent to micro- and nano-electronics, sensors and actuators, drug delivery and biomedicine. These high-value applications would necessitate the ability not only to synthesize, but also to form and position the MOFs at precise locations within the device and to seamlessly integrate its functions to the entirety of the device. The work investigates the formation of MOFs in a microfluidic reactor using fluorescence microscopy and spectroscopy techniques to observe the formation and growth of the MOF particles as it travels along the length of the microfluidic reactor. The effects of flow conditions and temperature gradient along the reactor length were reported.


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