(257ab) Employing Modeling Techniques to Predict the Solubility of Hesperetin in Binary Solvent Systems | AIChE

(257ab) Employing Modeling Techniques to Predict the Solubility of Hesperetin in Binary Solvent Systems


Islam, M. R. - Presenter, Texas Tech University
Chen, C. C. - Presenter, Texas Tech University

Processes involving solubility, such as crystallization, are utilized throughout industry.  The efficiency of these processes significantly increases when optimal solute-solvent mixtures are used.  The composition of these mixtures can be determined both quickly and inexpensively with the use of predictive solubility models.  The Non-Random Two Liquid Segment Activity Coefficient (NRTL-SAC) thermodynamic solubility model, first proposed by Chen and Song, predicts solubility behavior more accurately than competing models, such as COSMO-SAC and UNIFAC.  Recently, however, Ferreira et al. (2013) suggested that NRTL-SAC is incapable of qualitatively predicting the solubility of hesperetin, a flavanone molecule, in some binary solvent systems.  In this work, we use NRTL-SAC, along with single-solvent solubility data, to accurately predict the solubility trends of hesperetin in the aforementioned binary solvent systems.  Additionally, we compare the predictions obtained by using COSMO-SAC with those obtained by using NRTL-SAC.  Finally, we demonstrate a representation of the system involving the use of COSMO-SAC in conjunction with NRTL-SAC