(343e) Development of a Novel Machine Capable of Simultaneously Dispersing and Orienting Nanoparticles within Viscous Medium | AIChE

(343e) Development of a Novel Machine Capable of Simultaneously Dispersing and Orienting Nanoparticles within Viscous Medium


Winter, R. M. - Presenter, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology

Nanocomposite materials have attracted industrial and academic attention due to their potential to exhibit extraordinary increases in mechanical and other functional properties at low percentage weights of the nanoparticles. However, nanocomposite processing where both dispersion and orientation of the nano-material is desired has been difficult with existing fabrication machines, due to nanoparticles structure and aggolmeration. In this work, a novel machine is designed and built, which is named the High Shear Thin-Film Machine (HSTFM). The HSTFM consists of a mixer and an orienter, which are independent of each other. The development of HSTFM has progressed through three generations. In this presentation the development of the second and third generation HSTFM systems will be discussed. During this development of the HSTFM, a high turbulent cooling system was designed as well as a two dimensional extensional drag flow was incorporated.  Results will be presented showing the simultaneous dispersion and orientation of nanoparticles in a polymer matrix, thus demonstrating the utility of the HSTFM.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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