(435a) One Pot Synthesis of Biobased Fuel Additive Ethyl Levulinate By Direct Transformation of Bagasse in Ethanol Media | AIChE

(435a) One Pot Synthesis of Biobased Fuel Additive Ethyl Levulinate By Direct Transformation of Bagasse in Ethanol Media

Ethyl levulinate has emerged as a promising biobased fuel additive which reduces dependence on non conventional fossil fuel sources. In this study we have demonstrated a one pot direct transformation of bagasse in ethanol media to produce ethyl levulinate at mild process conditions. A series of experimental studies have shown that mineral acid catalysts particularly sulfuric acid and HCl are more effective in increasing ethyl levulinate production. A detailed process insight study has also been done to demonstrate effects of different process parameters such as reaction time, catalyst loading & reaction temperature on ethyl levulinate yield. A 14.50 %( w /w) ethyl levulinate yield which represents a theoretical yield of 36.21% has been obtained from transformation of bagasse at a temperature of 125oC in a reaction time of 2 hours in the presence of sulfuric acid catalyst and ethanol media. H1-NMR & GC-FID analysis methods were used for qualitative & quantitative results analysis respectively. One pot transformation of bagasse into ethyl levulinate at such mild process conditions has been reported for the first time (to best of our knowledge).


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