(460f) Hydrodynamic Self-Organization and Mixing in Suspensions of Micro-Rotors
AIChE Annual Meeting
2015 AIChE Annual Meeting Proceedings
Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals
Colloidal Hydrodynamics I: Soft and Active Systems
Wednesday, November 11, 2015 - 9:45am to 10:00am
Self-organization of active objects has attracted considerable attention recently, especially in the context of living systems. Hydrodynamic interactions are believed to play a crucial role in the emerging behavior when the objects are immersed in fluid, especially in the low Reynolds number regime. While self-propelled active objects have been extensively investigated, the collective behavior of rotating active particle has received limited attention.
To elucidate the transition to collective behavior and especially the role of multi-body hydrodynamic interactions, we numerically study systems of co- and counter-rotating spheres by varying the mixture ratio as well as the total volume fraction. We show that while macroscopic patterns emerge with increasing volume fraction in all the mixtures, the organization of the 100-0 and 50-50 mixtures are different in nature. The 50-50 mixtures typically generate macroscopic fluid flows that are larger in magnitude and more chaotic, due to the propensity of rotors of opposite spins to pair up and co-swim. The properties of these fluid flows are investigated, and in particular we show that the mixing of a passive dye field is more efficiently done by 50-50 mixtures.