(6cv) Hydrodynamic Simulation of a Bubbling Fluidized Bed with MP-PIC Method | AIChE

(6cv) Hydrodynamic Simulation of a Bubbling Fluidized Bed with MP-PIC Method


Wang, W. - Presenter, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Li, J. - Presenter, Institue of Process Engineering, CAS

The gas-solid flows in a bubbling fluidized bed were simulated with MP-PIC (multiphase particle-in-cell) method, which is a newly developed Euler-Lagrangian method that track parcels instead of single particles, to study the hydrodynamic of the bubbling behavior. In the MP-PIC method, a parcel represents several particles with the same diameter, velocity and similar location, thus can significantly speed up the simulations. Different grid and parcel resolutions, the latter of which is the number of particles per parcel, for fluid and solid flows, respectively, were tested to investigate their individual and combined effects on the simulation results. And different drag models, including the homogeneous drag and the newly developed EMMS drags were tested in the simulations. The results show that the EMMS drag can improve the bubbling bed prediction in comparison to that using the homogeneous drag, both qualitatively and quantitatively.