(6iu) Shaping Catalysis through Tailored Nanostructures: For Energy Conversion and Storage | AIChE

(6iu) Shaping Catalysis through Tailored Nanostructures: For Energy Conversion and Storage


Kang, Y. - Presenter, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Murray, C. B. - Presenter, University of Pennsylvania
Stach, E. A. - Presenter, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Yang, P. - Presenter, University of California-Berkeley
Markovic, N. - Presenter, Argonne National Laboratory
Stamenkovic, V. - Presenter, Argonne National Laboratory

Catalyst is a substance that participate chemical reactions by increasing the reaction rate while the catalyst itself is not being consumed. Most catalysts used in industrial processes are based on nanomaterials, because of their high surface-to-volume ratio therefore high material utilization at nanoscale. This presentation covers several recent development of nano-catalysts in energy conversion and storage. The performance of catalysts has been improved through tailoring the sizes, compositions, and morphologies of nanomaterials. This presentation outlines 1) synthesis and preparation of catalytic nanomaterials, including Pt and Pt-alloy catalysts, 2) the connection between shape (morphology) of nanomaterials and the catalytic properties, 3) correlation between electrocatalyst composition profile and electrocatalysis, 4) effective catalyst design strategy, 5) balancing activity and durability by tuning nanostructure, 6) chemical modification of surface to tailor catalytic properties, and 7) superstructures as novel research platform to study catalysis. This presentation emphasizes the novel approaches that improve catalysts performances such as activity and durability through careful tailoring of nanomaterials.