Mixing Processes and Process Validation in the Pharmaceutical Industry | AIChE

Mixing Processes and Process Validation in the Pharmaceutical Industry


Armenante, P. M. - Presenter, New Jersey Institute of Technology

The Advances Volume is a companion to the Handbook of Industrial Mixing. It reworks areas that have seen significant progress since the first edition and includes:

  • Brand new chapters for 6 areas of industrial application: pharmaceutical validation, crystallization, water treatment, commissioning of mixing equipment, and safety
  • Additional sections or examples for 5 chapters from the first edition including: magnetic drives, micromixers, vessel head volume calculations, additional information on heat transfer, and application of the Bourne protocol to reactor design
  • Concise but critical technical updates for mixing in pipelines, turbulence, and CFD
  • 5 completely new fundamentals chapters covering: mean age distrbution, rheology and complex fluids, flow patterns, viscous mixing, solid-liquid mixing
  • A full technical definition of mixing