Alkaline Electrochemical Systems: Fundamental Advances in Materials and Devices | AIChE

Alkaline Electrochemical Systems: Fundamental Advances in Materials and Devices


Kohl, P. A., Georgia Institute of Technology


Subramanian, V., Washington University in St. Louis

This symposium will feature fundamental and applied aspects of energy conversion, storage and electrolysis based on alkaline electrochemical systems. The alkaline environment offers scientific and technological advantages over other systems in terms of transport in anion conductive membranes, electrolytes, electrocatalysts, and systems parameters. Applications include fuel cells, grid batteries, metal-air batteries, carbon dioxide reduction, electrolyzers, and electrochemical synthesis. Of special interest are anion conductive electrolytes and ionomers, electrocatalysts enabling new fuels or electrode reactions, and other electrochemical devices or advances at high pH. Research into synthesis and structure of anion exchange membranes, anion exchange membrane stability and transport (modeling and experimental studies), alkaline electrolytes, electrocatalysts under alkayine conditions, and membrane electrode assemblies are important contributions to this field.



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