Special Session: To Celebrate Robert Pfeffer's Career Long Accomplishments | AIChE

Special Session: To Celebrate Robert Pfeffer's Career Long Accomplishments


Fan, L. S., The Ohio State University


Quevedo, J., Shell Global Solutions

Prof. Robert Pfeffer has been a key figure in the field of fluidization of nano particles. He has also been a strong leader as well in the educational front of fluidization and fluid-particle systems. He has published more than 150 refereed journal articles, 30 conference proceedings papers, received 10 US patents, and has presented invited papers and research seminars throughout the world. In 1979, he co-founded the International Fine Particle Research Institute (IFPRI), a consortium of large multinational companies that supports particle technology research at leading universities throughout the world which is still functioning successfully today. He served as the US scientific advisor to IFPRI from 1979 to 2002. This session will be accepting invitation-only papers honoring Robert Pfeffer's numerous contributions in the field of fluidization and fluid-particle systems.



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