(14b) "Click" Polymerizations: From Recycling Polymer to 3D Printing | AIChE

(14b) "Click" Polymerizations: From Recycling Polymer to 3D Printing


Wang, C. - Presenter, University of Colorado
Bowman, C., University of Colorado
Research Interests:

Smarter, greener and atomic efficient polymeric materials

Polymer science has seen an amazing century of development. Polymer materials have been mature and ubiquitous, and have completely changed the way we live today. Surprisingly I see vast research opportunities that could change our life for days to come, for good. My research is centered utilizing atomic efficient reactions in polymers that solve problems in cutting-edge areas from nano/micro structured materials, to recycling materials, to 3D printing products. Centered at implementing â??clickâ? reactions and many other dynamic covalent systems, I sought to answer tough questions with reliable and widely applicable mythologies. Along the way to pursue novel polymeric materials, I strive to mentor students in both undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as postdoctoral scholars for their professional standings as future researchers.

Teaching Interests:

 My teaching experiences in graduate school as a teaching assistant and part-time instructor have gave me passion in pursuing life-long career in an academic position. My teaching philosophy is to embrace active classroom, encourage question/discussion among students, and follow each individual in the class. I would like to utilize online systems for sharing teaching materials, grading and assigning reading quiz. I would like to teach reaction engineering, (bio)kinetics, polymer materials, polymer chemistry for both undergraduate and graduate students.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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