(232m) Shape‐Driven Colloidal Crystal—Crystal Transitions | AIChE

(232m) Shape‐Driven Colloidal Crystal—Crystal Transitions


Du, C. X. - Presenter, University of Michigan
van Anders, G., Queen's University
Newman, R. S., University of Michigan
Glotzer, S. C., University of Michigan
Recent experimental, theoretical, and computational work has shown that anisotropic colloids exhibit a rich phase behavior, including the selfâ?assembly of complex crystal phases. Here, we study the thermodynamics of crystalâ??crystal transitions that are driven by changes in colloid shape. Using rare event sampling techniques, we find that shapeâ?driven crystalâ??crystal transitions that have similar diffusionless pathways can have unexpectedly complex thermodynamic behaviors. We discuss implications of our results for reconfigurable colloidal materials.