(721e) Development of Antithrombotic Nanoconjugate Targeting Collagen | AIChE

(721e) Development of Antithrombotic Nanoconjugate Targeting Collagen


Zhang, L. - Presenter, Tianjin University
Sun, Y., Tianjin University
Arterial thrombus formation, initiated from the platelet adhesion on exposed collagen, is considered to cause many arterial diseases of high mortalities, such as stroke and acute myocardial infarction. Blocking the collagen exposed on diseased blood vessel would prevent platelet adhesion while not affect the normal function of platelets. Our previous work has proposed a biomimetic design strategy of antithrombotic peptides, and obtained an effective inhibitor of integrin α2β1-collagen interaction and subsequent thrombus formation, LWWNSYY. However, its practical application suffered from the formation of clusters in physiological environment caused by its high hydrophobicity. Therefore, an antithrombotic nanoconjugate was designed in which LWWNSYY was immobilized to the surface of poly(glycidyl methacrylate) nanoparticles (PGMA NPs). The obtained LWWNSYY-PGMA nanoparticles (L-PGMA NPs) conjugate have proven capable of inhibiting platelet adhesion in vitro. High inhibition efficiency of L-PGMA NPs in thrombus formation was further confirmed in vivo. Therefore, L-PGMA NPs were developed as a high-efficiency antithrombotic nanomedicine targeted for collagen exposed on diseased blood vessel wall, which would be helpful for the prevention and cure of thrombotic diseases.