Supercritical Fluids for Polymer Foams, Scaffolds, and Organogels | AIChE

Supercritical Fluids for Polymer Foams, Scaffolds, and Organogels


Smirnova, I., Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg
Kiran, E., Virginia Tech
Di Maio, E., University of Naples Federico II

Contributions are invited on all aspects of foaming, scaffolding and aerogel formation with the aid of supercritical or compressed fluids. Papers that describe new experimental technique; novel approaches to formation of porous matrices of homopolymers, copolymers, blends, and nanocomposites; modeling of nucleation and the dynamics of pore generation and morphology; extraction and drying of gels of different origins with supercritical fluids; adsorption, crystallization and coating processes in aerogels and the modelling of such processes are especially invited.



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