(188s) Modeling the Effect of Tube Replacement on the Operation of Primary Reformer in Ammonia Plant | AIChE

(188s) Modeling the Effect of Tube Replacement on the Operation of Primary Reformer in Ammonia Plant


Failaka, M. F. - Presenter, University of Waterloo
Elkamel, A., University of Waterloo
The primary reformer in Ammonia Plant is basically a furnace containing burners and tubes packed with supported nickel catalyst. The reformer operating parameters has an important influence on reduction of energy consumptions and increasing the reactor performance.

In this paper, the effect of tube replacement on the operation of primary reformer is investigated. Aspen Plus Software will be used to evaluate the heat balance and the performance of the radiation and convection sections of primary reformer before and after replacement of catalyst tubes. This replacement is intended to achieve the company long-term goal; i.e., to reduce the energy consumptions. Furthermore, the modelling in Aspen Plus can also be used to obtain the energy efficiency and heat recovery of the radiant and convection section of the primary reformer.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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