(217d) Feasibility Study of Ionic Liquid Desalination Design | AIChE

(217d) Feasibility Study of Ionic Liquid Desalination Design

It has been shown that water can be separated from saline solution using directional solvents at low temperature [1], which has the capacity to be an affordable, energy efficient, and safe method of water desalination. To this end, a liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) process was studied, designed, and optimized using ionic liquids (ILs), low melting point liquid salts, as solvents. First, benchtop solubility experiments varying processing parameters, such as temperature and saline concentration, were conducted to quantify the capacities of different ILs and develop equilibrium models. Next, combined with literature values, preliminary scale-up designs and calculations of various LLE devices and techniques were considered. Several iterations of batch, continuous, and chromatographic LLEs were devised and considered based on their economics and feasibility as domestic and/or industrial processes, and recommendations made as to their viability. Finally, priorities for further experiments and designs were made, and ILs use in LLE was considered for several other industrial processes and applications. [1] D.B. Sanap et al. Desalination 357 (2015) 150-162


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