(263f) Analytical Model for Vapor Condensation on Soot Agglomerates | AIChE

(263f) Analytical Model for Vapor Condensation on Soot Agglomerates


Gor, G. - Presenter, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Khalizov, A., New Jersey Institute of Technology
Soot is a major environmental pollutant which deteriorates air quality and affects human health. Moreover, soot nanoparticles serve as condensation nuclei for atmospheric aerosols, light absorbers and scatterers, impacting the climate [1,2]. Soot nanoparticles are fractal agglomerates of graphitic spheres mixed with organic or inorganic products of combustion. Both the optical properties of soot in the atmosphere and the transport properties of soot in human respiratory tract strongly depend on the morphology of soot agglomerates [3,4]. Therefore, in order to assess the negative impacts of soot on both climate and human health one has to know the microstructure of soot nanoparticles.

After their formation, the soot agglomerates are exposed to other vapors that condense on the agglomerates surface. In some cases vapor condensation does not affect the soot morphology, however, often it induces restructuring of soot agglomerates, so that they collapse into globules [5,6]. While some studies suggest that the tendency to restructure depends on the surface tension of condensing liquid [7], other experiments show that even solid coatings can cause restructuring [8]. A theory of this process is still lacking.

Restructuring of soot agglomerates involves two aspects: mechanics of the agglomerates and kinetics of vapor condensation on agglomerates surface. Here we focus on the latter. When considering vapor condensation on agglomerate of spheres, there are two distinct regimes of condensation: liquid can form a film on a surface of the spheres or it can fill the gaps between the spheres (“capillary condensation”). We hypothesize that two regimes of condensation correspond to the two scenarios in mechanical evolution: when vapor condenses uniformly, it is unlikely to induce significant mechanical stresses and cause restructuring; but when it condenses in the gaps, the capillary forces at the joints of the spheres can collapse of the agglomerate.

The kinetics of vapor condensation on a spherical surface is well-known [9]. Here we describe the condensation of a vapor into a pendular ring in the gap between the adjacent spheres. We found an analytical expression for the amount of condensed liquid as a function of time. This result allowed us to find a non-dimensional parameter which value determines realization of one of the two condensation/restructuring scenarios. Our model not only supports well our experimental observations, but also can be used to rationalize most of the published experimental results from other groups [10-12].


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