(294e) Viral Vaccines Manufacture in the Wei-Shou Hu Era | AIChE

(294e) Viral Vaccines Manufacture in the Wei-Shou Hu Era


Aunins, J. G. - Presenter, Merck Research Laboratories
At the dawn of the 1980’s, viral vaccine manufacturing was still primitive, with a very few advanced exceptions. These newer technologies, many of which were supported by the research of Professor Wei-Shou Hu, paved the way for modern recombinant biologics. The past 30 years has seen the modernization and significant scale-up of vaccine production, as a large number of new products has arisen and demand has soared. At the same time, increases in understanding of cell and virus cultivation, enabled by Prof. Hu’s research, has enabled scale-out and scale-down strategies to be applied to economize the manufacture of viral vaccines. This talk will review the evolution of viral vaccine technologies and directions for their future.