(398r) Valuing Flexibility in CCS-Equipped Power Plants
AIChE Annual Meeting
2017 Annual Meeting
Liaison Functions
Poster Session: General Topics on Chemical Engineering I
Tuesday, October 31, 2017 - 3:15pm to 4:45pm
In this work, we present a methodology to calculate the "System Value" (SV) of a given technology to the electricity system. The SV of a particular technology is dened as the marginal change in total electricity generation cost (capital, energy, ancillary services) arising from the addition of a capacity unit of that technology. The centrepiece of the SV approach is a mixed-integer linear program (MILP) which simultaneously optimises the electricity system design as well as the hourly unit-wise dispatch schedule. We extend a general unit commitment formulation [1, 2] by including environmental and security aspects in addition to constraints capturing the detailed unit operation [3].
We show that the value of a given technology is a function of the existing capacity mix, i.e., the composition of the incumbent energy system into which it is integrated, and that this value continues to evolve as a function of the changing energy landscape. We identify the value of CCS power plants as the potential to reduce total system cost by £500-800/kW of installed CCS-equipped capacity. CCS power plants with increased flexibility (e.g., w.r.t. start-up time, minimum
stable generation, ramp rate) show the ability to accommodate higher shares of intermittent renewable power generation. This provides additional value to the electricity system by reducing start-up costs and turn-down frequency.
[1] Morales-Espana, G., Gentile, C., Ramos, A. Tight MIP formulations of the power-based unit commitment problem. OR Spectrum, pages 1-22, 2015.
[2] Staffell, I., Green, R. Is there still merit in the merit order stack? The impact of dynamic constraints on optimal plant mix. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 31(1):43-53, 2015.
[3] C. F. Heuberger, I. Staffell, N. Shah, and N. Mac Dowell. Levelised Value of Electricity - A Systemic Approach to Technology Valuation. In 26th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, volume 38, pages 721-726, 2016.