(401k) Organic-Inorganic Composite Membranes: Fundamental Study and Engineering Application | AIChE

(401k) Organic-Inorganic Composite Membranes: Fundamental Study and Engineering Application


Jin, W. - Presenter, Nanjing Tech University

Composite Membranes: Fundamental Study and Engineering Application

Wanqin Jin

State Key Laboratory of Materials-Oriented
Chemical Engineering, Nanjing Tech University,

 Nanjing, 210009,
P.R.China. wqjin@njtech.edu.cn


By combining advantages of organic and
inorganic materials, organic-inorganic composite membranes are regarded as a
hot research interest in fields of membrane technology and chemical
engineering. This presentation will review our recent progress in
organic-inorganic composite membranes, covering from fundamental study to
engineering application. It aims to give an overview of design, preparation and
application of the organic-inorganic composite membranes used for molecular
separation. Various membrane types with different materials will be involved in
the talk, including ceramic-supported polymer composite membranes, mixed matrix
membranes, and graphene-based membranes. Meanwhile, the presentation will
illustrate typical examples of the membranes applied in fields such as
bio-fuels production, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) recovery, carbon
dioxide capture and so on. In addition, large-scale production and industrial
implementation of the organic-inorganic composite membranes will also be

This work was financially supported by
the National Basic Research Program of China (No. 2009CB623400), the National
Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 21406107, 2149580015), the Innovative
Research Team Program by the Ministry of Education of China (No.IRT13070), the
Top-notch Academic Programs Project of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions

Keywords: organic-inorganic
composite membranes; molecular
separation; industrial