(401l) Modeling of Structural Defects in MFI Zeolite Membranes
AIChE Annual Meeting
2017 Annual Meeting
Separations Division
Poster Session: Separations Division
Tuesday, October 31, 2017 - 3:15pm to 4:45pm
Modeling of Structural Defects in MFI Zeolite
Sungwon Hong1, Dongjae Kim2, Jaewook Nam2 and Jungkyu Choi1*
1 Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering,
Korea University, Seoul 02841, Republic of Korea
2 School of Chemical
Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul 02841, Republic of Korea
hsw1110@korea.ac.kr, ssdj91@skku.edu, jaewooknam@skku.edu, jungkyu_choi@korea.ac.kr*
Defects of zeolite membranes often lower their separation performance. Thus, the investigation of the defects is highly critical in
achieving high separation performance. While general characterization methods
(e.g. scanning electron microscopy; SEM) that examine the membrane
surface cannot detect defects, the FCOM
measurement is able to identify the defective structure inside the zeolite
membrane using dye molecules of appropriate size [1]. In this work, various dyeing conditions (times and concentrations) were applied to a
MFI zeolite membrane in an attempt to investigate the defective structure.
Furthermore, the quantitative analysis is practiced to
measure the defects in numerical form.
A MFI membrane was synthesized on an ¥á-alumina disc
support by employing hydrothermal growth of MFI seed layers. Then, zeolite
membranes were calcined to remove organic templates in the zeolite pores.
Calcined MFI membranes were further contacted with a dye molecule (~ 1 mM aqueous fluorescein). The size of fluorescein molecules (~0.9 nm) is smaller than that of intercrystalline microporous defects (~1-2 nm), but larger than that of zeolitic pores (0.5~0.6 nm). This size difference allows
for the selective dyeing of defects in
membranes. The dyed membranes were measured with Carl Zeiss LSM 700 confocal
microscope in 488 nm wavelength. Quantitative analysis of the measured data was followed,
investigating the bright sections in the FCOM images.
Results and discussion
The result images of FCOM analysis with different dyeing times are shown in Fig 1. From Fig. 1a, the appearance of bright broad lines is observed. At the
same time, a number of isolated bright spots shown in Fig. 1a were pronounced in Fig. 1b and
they were interconnected with the increased dye time (Fig. 1c). The dye molecules seem to prefer to access larger
defects (here, crack) first and then approach smaller defects (here,
grain-boundary). Interestingly, the black broad line, which was bright in both Fig. 1a and 1b,
results from a quenching phenomenon, which
happens when the dye molecules are stacked up and concentrated. Considering this phenomenon, crack defects could be selectively extracted among the grain-boundary defects for quantitative analysis. FCOM characterizations with different
dye concentrations showed a similar trend to those with the variation
in the dyeing time. Using these data, each of the defects (grain-boundary and
crack) was quantified analyzed.
Fig. 1. FCOM images of MFI membranes, which were contacted with the dye solution in various times. (Fig. 1a is the shortest time condition and Fig. 1c is the
longest time
FCOM measurement of zeolite membranes is a simple and effective technique
to observe the defects in zeolite membranes. The experiments using FCOM
measurement were performed systematically to elucidate the dyeing mechanism,
and accordingly, the properties of the defects. In addition, a quantitative
analysis was conducted to show the amount of the defects in MFI membranes, which can be associated with
the corresponding separation performance.
[1] G. Bonila et al., J. Membr. Sci. 182 (2001), 103-109