(500c) Accelerating Pharmaceutical Development through Precompetitive Collaboration: The Enabling Technologies Consortium | AIChE

(500c) Accelerating Pharmaceutical Development through Precompetitive Collaboration: The Enabling Technologies Consortium


Engstrom, J. D. - Presenter, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Tummala, S. - Presenter, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Tom, J. W., Bristol-Myers Squibb
Faul, M., Amgen
The Enabling Technologies Consortium (ETC), which originated as a Working Group within the International Consortium for Innovation and Quality in Pharmaceutical Development (IQ Consortium), is a consortium of pharmaceutical and biotech companies focused on the optimization of technologies that enable pharmaceutical development. The goal of ETC is to simplify and accelerate the process for establishing collaborations by standardizing the procedures and agreements under which they operate; to proactively identify high-value opportunities to deliver innovative technologies where the business case is compelling and collaboration with the broader external community (vendor, academic, government) is required. The current scope of the ETC is in technology within the Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) of drug substance development. This presentation provides an update on the progress of the overall ‘Enabling Technologies’ effort since its inception in August 2015 using the drug substance drying working group as a case study