Impact of Coal Quality on Global Pollution and Sustainable Technologies for Reducing Its Extent | AIChE

Impact of Coal Quality on Global Pollution and Sustainable Technologies for Reducing Its Extent

Coal is an organic fuel which is widely used as source of energy worldwide. About 42% of global electricity supply is produced from coal-fired plants by coal combustion. The distribution of its constituents in coal is of significant importance, since it affects the reactivity, heating value and environmental impact of combustion. 28% of global carbon dioxide emission is accounted by coal fired power plants. SOX, NOX, COX are primary gaseous pollutants released from coal fired plant effluents. Also, multiple trace elements including heavy metals and halogens can be present in coal, which intensifies the toxic behavior of coal. Large quantity of coal residues are produced after combustion, improper disposal of such residues is a major threat to public health. In developing countries where industries lack in modern waste management facilities, this becomes more hazardous. To understand health risks associated with coal based power plants, types and amount of pollution caused by them are first to be well understood. Therefore, the objective of this research is to study the behavior of coal combustion products of the coal based power plant (Boropukuria) in Bangladesh. A series of laboratory experiments were conducted to characterize coal samples. Proximate- and ultimate analyses results indicated its suitability for power generation. Ash analysis and X-ray diffraction analysis were done to understand its minerals’ profiles. Some of the toxic trace elements were measured to determine its permissibility considering environmental protection. Surface properties were also identified to understand its reactivity and combustion behavior. Lastly, "FactSage" software was used for simulation purpose to predict the pollution load of coal sample. While the study comprises a single sample characterization and its' pollution behavior, the series of experiments can be done on any other bitumious coal sample to understand the pollution potential of that sample. We have found that although the gaseous pollution load is high for this particular coal, increasing the stalk height by several meters, we can reduce its adverse effect on environment. Also soil and water pollution is associated with the same power plant. Further research on the fate and transport of heavy metals in waste water is required before coming into any concrete conclusion.


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