Advances in Industrial Reaction Engineering and Catalysis | AIChE

Advances in Industrial Reaction Engineering and Catalysis


Lerou, J., Jan Lerou Consulting, LLC


La Marca, C., The Chemours Company
Coppens, M. O., University College London
Sarsani, S., SABIC Americas
Teixeira, A. R., Worcester Polytechnic Institute

This session, consisting of both invited and submitted papers from industrial presenters, will drive visibility on the practical application of reaction engineering and catalysis expertise to industrially relevant problems. The division leadership wishes to promote and enhance industrial membership participation in section 20 sessions as well as to develop a forum in which faculty and graduate researchers can learn about the practical, industrial application of the fundamentals they develop and practice. The session will focus on the myriad of broad applications of reaction engineering and catalysis technology within industry. For 2017, the session also includes papers from academic and industrial presenters addressing the engineering aspects of catalysts/catalytic supports at the nanoscale.



Paper abstracts are public but to access Extended Abstracts, you must first purchase the conference proceedings.


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