Fundamentals of Electrode Processes II | AIChE

Fundamentals of Electrode Processes II


Arges, C., Louisiana State University
Biddinger, E., City College of New York

Electrochemical processes are to address important engineer issues that are key to the energy, environment, and human health, such as efficient, reliable energy conversion and storage, water treatment and desalination, CO2 mitigation, detection of waste chemicals, and corrosion protection. Optimization of such systems depends on solving a wide range of fundamental problems that are rooted in electrochemical engineering principles: electron transfer kinetics that dictate yield, conversion and selectivity, ion and reactant transport in aqueous/nonaqueous and polymeric electrolytes under an applied electric field, surface chemistry and microstructural design of catalyst for enhanced durability and activity. Understanding these fundamentals is key to designing efficient and robust electrochemical systems, such fuel cells, electrolyzers, batteries, electrochemical reactors, electro-osmotic separators, and corrosion-resistant coatings. The objective of this symposium is to bring together researchers in areas of fundamental and applied electrochemistry for a wide variety of applications in processing-level electrochemistry. The topics will cover, but are not limited to: • Processing-level kinetics and mechanistic studies of energy conversion and storage • Materials design and synthesis and electrochemical processes for energy conversion devices, including fuel cell, battery, capacitor from electrocatalyst to device fabrication • Electrocatalyst design and synthesis and electrochemical conversion processes for CO2 electrolyzer and beyond • Computational methods for design of electrocatalyst and supporting materials, such as PGM and non-PGM catalysts • Computational modeling of electrochemical processes • System level modeling for high efficiency of energy conversion devices.



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