WIC 20th Anniversary Symposium: Celebrating Women in Chemical Engineering | AIChE

The Women's Initiative Committee (WIC) is celebrating their 20th anniversary as a committee this year. To celebrate this important milestone, we are having a full day symposium to highlight the significant contributions of women to chemical engineering. The symposium is comprised of 20+ invited female speakers from diverse research backgrounds and affiliations. 

The symposium will be followed by a special reception in the same room at 7:30pm.


8:00 AM – 10:30 AM: WIC 20th Anniversary: Celebrating Women in Chemical Engineering I

Co-Chairs: Bihter Padak, University of South Carolina and LaShanda Korley, University of Delaware

Talk Speaker
"AIChE Women’s Initiative - Our Past, Our Future" Caroline C. Reynolds, CR Solutions
"A Unique Chemical Engineering Career in the Energy Industry" Cynthia Murphy-Ortega, Chevron
"From Supercritical Fluids to Ionic Liquids" Joan F. Brennecke, University of Texas at Austin
"How to Grow Your Career While Balancing on One Foot" Meagan Lewis, Honeywell UOP
"Stratification in Colloidal Films and Lessons from Soft Materials for Women in STEM" Surita Bhatia, Stony Brook University
"Vapor Deposited Polymers: From Fundamentals to Commercialization" Karen K. Gleason, Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Assembly Engineering of Complex Colloidal Crystals" Sharon C. Glotzer, University of Michigan

12:30 PM – 3:00 PM: WIC 20th Anniversary: Celebrating Women in Chemical Engineering II

Co-Chairs: Ashlee Ford Versypt, Oklahoma State University and Megan Donaldson, The Dow Chemical Company

Talk Speaker
Symposium Introduction by WIC 20th Anniversary Symposium Chair Julianne Holloway, Arizona State University
Welcome and Introductory Remarks by AIChE Executive Director June Wispelwey, AIChE
"Some Historical Information and Statistics on Women in Chemical Engineering and in AIChE" Maria K. Burka, National Science Foundation (retired)
"Modeling and Simulation of Complex Particle-Laden Flows" Jennifer Sinclair Curtis, University of California, Davis
"Computational Design of Peptides to Detect Human Health Biomarkers" Carol HallNorth Carolina State University
"Reflections from Four Decades of Collegiality, Collaboration and Competition in AIChE"  Alice P. Gast, Imperial College London
"Heterogeneous Catalyst Design at the Single Atom Limit for Efficient Chemicals Production"  Maria Flytzani-Stephanopoulos, Tufts University
"Chemical Process Development – Even for Reaction Engineers, it Ain’t Just Kinetics"  Cheryl Teich, The Dow Chemical Company
"Potential of the Bioproducts and Biofuels Bioeconomy"  Kimberly L. Ogden, University of Arizona

3:00 PM – 3:30 PM: Coffee and Refreshments Served

3:30 PM – 6:00 PM: WIC 20th Anniversary: Celebrating Women in Chemical Engineering III

Co-Chairs: Julianne Holloway, Arizona State University and Caryn Heldt, Michigan Technological University

Talk Speaker
"Celebrating Women in Chemical Engineering: Past and Present"  Rosemarie D. Wesson, The City College of New York
"Engineered Models of the Gut-Brain Axis" Abigail Koppes, Northeastern University
"Designer Nanoplexes for Delivery to Targeted Tissues"  Paula T. Hammond, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Biomedical Applications of Emulsion Templating"  Elizabeth M. Cosgriff-Hernandez, University of Texas at Austin
"AIChE’s First Female Member – An Unsung Trailblazer of Chemical Engineering"  Christine Seymour, Pfizer
"Silica Nanoparticles Act As Permeation Enhancers to Enable Oral Protein Delivery"  Kathryn A. Whitehead, Carnegie Mellon University
"The Role of Chemical Engineers in Pharmaceutical Development"  Sheena Reeves, Chemical Engineering, Prairie View A&M University


AIChE® thanks the Founders’ Circle companies and individuals who have contributed for their early leadership and support of programming to foster inclusion in engineering.

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