(170e) Relation between Particle Structure, External Geometric Interaction, and Breakage Selectivity | AIChE

(170e) Relation between Particle Structure, External Geometric Interaction, and Breakage Selectivity


Johanson, K. - Presenter, Material Flow Solutions, Inc.
Understanding the breakage of particles can help engineers optimize milling operations, prevent attrition on processes, and control segregation of powders in process vessels. At the heart of understanding breakage is a tool call a population balance model. However, these models do not easily include effects that rely on the structure of the material. Yet these structures can significantly affect how a particle might break. Likewise, the shape of the particle structure and stresses imposed by impact or strain can also affect how a particle breaks. We conducted a breakage study to relate the breakage rate functions and selectivity functions in a population balance model to the structure of a particle, particle shape, impact velocity, and impact angle. Creating functions that relate the breakage selectivity to these particle scale parameters and interaction to external geometries can aid in extending and optimizing breakage in process conditions. We have found that the size of breakage fragments depends on the angle and velocity relative to process geometries. We have also found that the strength of the binding forces and the structure of the binding matrix can help predict the breakage selectivity.