(268c) Jamming and Shear Jamming in the Dense Geometrically Rough Suspensions | AIChE

(268c) Jamming and Shear Jamming in the Dense Geometrically Rough Suspensions


Boromand, A. - Presenter, Yale University
Maia, J., Case Western Reserve University
O'Hern, C. S., Yale University
Shattuck, M. D., Levich Institute, City College of New York
Shear-thickening phenomenon and its physical origin have been the subject of numerous experimental and theoretical studies. Recently using core-modified dissipative particle dynamics, we could successfully replicate the whole range of continuous and discontinuous shear thickening regime considering frictional and short/long ranged hydrodynamics. Using percolating network analysis, we showed that topology of frictional forces are critical in determining extend of the thickening transition in dense suspensions (φ>0.55). However, in the semi-dense (φ=0.45) region, hydroclusters and elastohydrodynamic interactions can explain the mild increase in the viscosity, i.e. the continuous shear thickening behavior of such complex fluids. In the light of new experimental systems and to resolve the frictional forces arising in the colloidal length scales, we extend our model to include the geometrical asperities as the new frictional model. Jamming and shear jamming of these systems will be discussed.
