(304b) Sustainable Optimal Strategic Planning for Shale Water Management | AIChE

(304b) Sustainable Optimal Strategic Planning for Shale Water Management


Caballero, J. A. - Presenter, University of Alicante
Carrero-Parreño, A., University of Alicante
Reyes-Labarta, J. A., University of Alicante
Salcedo-Díaz, R., University of Alicante
Ruiz-Femenia, R., University of Alicante
Grossmann, I., Carnegie Mellon University
Onishi, V. C., University of Alicante
The development of new additives in the shale gas industry, which tolerate the use of high Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) base fluid, has allowed reusing the wastewater in the drilling of subsequent wells (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2016). This practice is currently the most popular and cost-effective option for shale gas water management. Although it minimizes freshwater consumption, producers should take into consideration possible long-term issues and challenges. For instance, the TDS concentration will increase significantly, around 2-3 times, which can represent a cost barrier to reuse the water for fracturing operations. Besides, as the number of drilled wells decrease this practice becomes less attractive. Specifically, the volume of fracturing fluid required to fracture new wells may be less than the volume of water generated by producing wells in the area.

Currently, several works have been reported on the optimization of shale gas water management (Gao and You, 2015; Guerra et al., 2016; Yang et al., 2015). However, most of the works published in the literature consider that the water blending ratio is restricted or the return to pad operations are not allowed. Drouven and Grossmann (2017) assume that the water-blending ratio is unrestricted, they over-estimate the friction reducers expenses. The MILP model that they proposed does not account the salt concentration of impaired water. Moreover, they only distinguish between two types of water: impaired water and freshwater. Hence, the model cannot handle any water management option when drilling operation decrease.

In this work, we propose a mixed-integer non-linear programming (MINLP) model considering the TDS concentration of flowback and impaired water as a function of time and for different water treatment solutions. We estimate the friction reducers expenses as a function of TDS concentration to determine if the level of TDS in impaired water is an impediment to reusing it in fracturing operations. Moreover, the model distinguishes between four types of water: impaired water, flowback water, desalinated water and freshwater. The objective is to maximize the “sustainability profit” in order to obtain a compromise solution between economic, environmental and social aspects. Only a single objective function is necessary since all the indicators are expressed in monetary terms (Zore et al., 2017).

The water management system comprises wellpads, shale gas wells in each wellpad, centralized water treatment technologies (CWT), freshwater sources, fracturing crews, and disposals wells.

After hydraulic fracturing, a portion of water called flowback water returns to the wellhead. The flowback water is stored in fracturing tanks (FT) onsite before basic treatment (pre-treatment) in mobile units or transport to CWT facility or Class II disposal. Pre-treatment includes technologies to remove suspended solids, oil and grease, and bacteria, certain ions that can cause the scale to form on equipment and interfere with fracturing chemical additives. After pre-treatment, the water can be used as a fracturing fluid in the same wellpad or in the neighboring wellpad, or can be desalinated in the onsite TDS removal technologies. The flowback water reused for fracturing operations is called impaired water and is stored in impaired water tanks (IWT). Several desalination technologies can be selected such as multi-stage membrane distillation (MMD), multi-effect evaporation with mechanical vapor recompression (MEE-MVR) or forward-reverse osmosis (FO-RO) hybrid. We consider that the outflow brine salinity in the onsite treatment is close to salt saturation conditions to achieve ZLD operation. Cost and salinity levels restrict the type of desalination unit that can be used for TDS removal. The onsite desalinated water can also be used as a fracturing fluid in the same wellpad, transported to the next wellpad or discharge for other usages. The flowback water can also be transported and treated in CWT. Desalinated water from CWT can select the same routes as the desalinated water in onsite technologies. Freshwater is obtained from an uninterruptible fresh water source. Desalinated water and freshwater are stored in freshwater tanks (FWT) and/or water impoundment. Transportation of freshwater, impaired water, flowback water and desalinated water can only be through trucks. Storage tanks and mobile treatment are assumed to be leased.

The problem is to determine: (1) wellpad fracturing start date (fracturing schedule), (2) number of tanks leased at each time period, (3) number of trucks needed in each time period, (4) flowback destination, reuse (impaired water) , treatment (onsite or offsite) or disposal, and (5) quality of water used to fracture each well.

The optimization problem is formulated as an MINLP model that includes: assignment constraints, material balance in storage tanks, mixer and splitters, logic constraints and an objective function. Salt material balances are modeled using total flows and salt composition as variables (bilinear terms). An advantage of using this representation is that the variables involved in the bilinear terms are well bounded, allowing us to define tight under and over estimators.

Them objective function includes the economic profit, the eco-profit and the social-profit.

  • Economic profit includes revenues from natural gas minus the sum of the following expenses: wastewater disposal cost, storage tank cost, freshwater cost, friction reducer cost, wastewater and freshwater transport cost and onsite and offsite treatment cost.
  • Eco-profit distinguishes between eco-benefit (raw material and products that unburden the environment) and eco-cost (raw material al products that burden the environment). Both terms are calculated by using eco-cost coefficients (Delft University of Technology, 2017). In our problem, impaired water and desalinated water used to fracture a neighboring well exhibit unburdening effect on the environment. However, natural gas, freshwater withdrawal, disposal and transportation burden the environment.
  • Social profit includes social security contributions paid for the employed people to fracture a well, plus the social transfer by hiring people, minus social cost. We only take into account the numbers of jobs on a fracturing crew and the time that they are working to fracture a specific well. Once the well is completed, the number of jobs generated by truck drivers or maintenance team are not considered.

The proposed model is applied to a case study in Marcellus Play with 3 wellpads and 20 wells, three years discretized at one week per time period, four interruptible sources of fresh water, three class II disposal wells, two CWT plants and one fracturing crew. The MINLP problem consists of 2808 binary variables, 14977 continues variables and 12010 constraints.

The solution of the model shows that the capabilities to reuse impaired water to fracture other wells is the best economic and environmental practice for shale gas water management. The model, which can be effectively solved with the proposed decomposition technique, reveals that the level of TDS in impaired water is not an obstacle to reusing it for fracturing purposes. Also, it has been shown that onsite desalination treatment can be cost-effective for operators once no more wells to fracture are available.


Delft University of Technology, 2017. The Model of the Eco-costs/Value Ratio (EVR). URL http://www.ecocostsvalue.com (accessed 12.1.17).
Drouven, M.G., Grossmann, I.E., 2017. Optimization models for impaired water management in active shale gas development areas. J. Pet. Sci. Eng. 156, 983–995.
Gao, J., You, F., 2015. Shale Gas Supply Chain Design and Operations toward Better Economic and Life Cycle Environmental Performance: MINLP Model and Global Optimization Algorithm. ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 3, 1282–1291.
Guerra, O.J., Calderón, A.J., Papageorgiou, L.G., Siirola, J.J., Reklaitis, G. V., 2016. An optimization framework for the integration of water management and shale gas supply chain design. Comput. Chem. Eng. 92, 230–255.
U.S. EPA, 2016. Technical Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standars for the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category. Washington, DC.
Yang, L., Grossmann, I.E., Mauter, M.S., Dilmore, R.M., 2015. Investment optimization model for freshwater acquisition and wastewater handling in shale gas production. AIChE J. 61, 1770–1782.
Zore, Ž., Čuček, L., Kravanja, Z., 2017. Syntheses of sustainable supply networks with a new composite criterion – Sustainability profit. Comput. Chem. Eng. 102, 139–155.


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