(315f) Tightening Mccormick Relaxations Via Reformulation of Intermediate Functions into Schema
AIChE Annual Meeting
2018 AIChE Annual Meeting
Computing and Systems Technology Division
Advances in Computational Methods and Numerical Analysis
Tuesday, October 30, 2018 - 2:05pm to 2:24pm
McCormick relaxations are typically calculated by overloading common arithmetic operators [2,3] in object-oriented programming languages [7]. Most recent research in McCormick-related relaxations have focused on providing improvements to the properties of these calculations to yield tighter relaxations, faster. Mitsos et al. developed tighter multivariate relaxations [8]. Khan et al. extended this to develop differentiable analogs [9]. Recently, Najman et al. extended this standard framework; provided tighter relaxations by using affine relaxations to shrink the associated interval bounds [10]. This represents one of the first usages of a reformulation of the directed-acyclic-graphs (DAGs) to tighten McCormick relaxations.
Analysis of the DAG representation of functions has been used in many applications ranging from constraint-satisfaction problems to scheduling [11,12]. Recently, the usage of convex-transformable functions was explored within the BARON context resulting in a significant improvement to performance on standard benchmark libraries [13]. Khajavirad et al. identified a number of regular expressions in DAGs that allow for tighter relaxations when relaxed directly [14]. In this work, we discuss the potential of tightening McCormick relaxations via the reformulation of intermediate functions.
Rather than define a series of regular expressions, we define a series of schema based on various functional attributes (convexity information). A graph theoretic approach to identifying potential intermediate function reformulations is developed that allows for reformulation presented in terms of cut vertices [15-17]. At these potential points of reformulation, a series of general tests based on interval arithmetic are applied to determine the function schema. This approach makes use of the abstract-syntax tree (AST) feature of Julia [18] to dynamically build tighter convex and concave relaxations of expressions belonging to these schemata. A series of examples from both the COCONUT library and extant literature are presented [19].
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