(364e) Insights and Model Development Enabled By DEM and CFD-DEM Simulations | AIChE

(364e) Insights and Model Development Enabled By DEM and CFD-DEM Simulations


Sundaresan, S. - Presenter, Princeton University
Over the past decade, we have applied DEM and CFD-DEM simulations to probe a variety of particulate flows at small scale. They range from rheology of dense granular assemblies (via DEM) to fluidization of particles (via CFD-DEM). Through the DEM studies, we have gained insights on granular shear flow regimes and how inter-particle forces modify this rheology, and formulated continuum rheological models. Through CFD-DEM studies, we have learned how one can incorporate the effects of meso-scale structures into coarse constitutive models of Geldart group B particles, and studied how van der Waals interaction between particles, liquid bridge force between wet particles and electrostatic interactions resulting from tribocharging affect flow. This talk, dedicated to Professor Yutaka Tsuji will highlight some of the results from these studies.
