(375r) The Effect of Storage Time on Flow Characteristics of Maic-Modified Compounds | AIChE

(375r) The Effect of Storage Time on Flow Characteristics of Maic-Modified Compounds


Bowman, C., Aveka, Inc.
Freeman, T., Freeman Technology
Rueb, C., Aveka, Inc.
In order to provide more consistent processing and product quality, flow aids, such as fumed silica or magnesium stearate, are typically added to a powder to improve its flow. These flow aids are typically added via a traditional blending method, with the amount of flow aid being the only processing parameter that could be used to control changes in powder flow.

In an ongoing study, Magnetically Assisted Impact Coating (MAIC) has been shown to improve flow properties of 5 μm citric acid (a model organic compound) and 17 μm cornstarch (a model natural polymer) when compared with a traditional blending process, v-blending. A series of samples were created and measured repeatedly in a longitudinal study to look at the effects of storage time on flow properties, especially their basic flow energy (BFE) as measured on an FT4 Powder Rheometer®. Samples with and without flow aids are measured.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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