(480e) Strandphase®: The Gentle Pneumatic Conveying Solution | AIChE

(480e) Strandphase®: The Gentle Pneumatic Conveying Solution


Gautam, A. K. - Presenter, Pelletron Corporation
Sahrhage, W. F. III, Pelletron Corporation
Lutz, J., Pelletron Corporation
Dilute and Dense phase are the two common conveying methods used for plastic granulated material. Energy and economics plays a major role in both the conveying methods. In dilute phase, high gas velocity disintegrates the particles and leads to the generation of high volumes of dust and streamers. Whereas dense phase conveying systems due to high pressure requirement, demands better structural and pipe support. STRANDPHASE® conveying falls in between dilute and dense phase. Unlike dilute and dense phase, STRANDPHASE® minimizes dust and streamers generation, maintains high product to air ratio and doesn’t require special pipe support. In this work LDPE pellets were used for the conveying tests. Dust and streamers were analyzed before and after the conveying to evaluate the performance of STRANDPHASE® and dilute phase conveying.