(564a) The Synthesis and Properties of Cyclic Nitramine Crystals with Metal Particlesinclusions
AIChE Annual Meeting
2018 AIChE Annual Meeting
Particle Technology Forum
Energetic Materials: Engineered Particles and Interfaces I
Wednesday, October 31, 2018 - 3:35pm to 3:50pm
The current research is devoted to creating a principally new approach to the solution to the problems connected with use of metal particles in high-energy materials. As a resulted of our research, we obtained crystals of cyclic nitramine, such as CL-20 and HMX with inclusions of micro- and nanoaluminum particles, submicron-sized boron, micron-sized aluminum and titanium borides and nanosized ferric oxide (III) of different size. This approach lets remove a part of active metal from the direct contact with liquid binding agents and, as a result, reduce the concentration of metal in intercrystalline space of products.
A principally new approach to eliminate the existing problems of the use of different metals in composite energy materials with the synthesis of inclusion complexes was developed.
By the example of CL-20 it was displayed that the inclusion of metal particles into nitramine does not significantly influence its chemical stability, thermal properties, sensitivity characteristics to mechanical exposure as well as specific electrical resistance and minimal ignition energy as compared with parent CL-20.
It was stated that the substitution of CL-20 for its inclusion complexes in propellants leads to the increase of burning rate up to 1.5 â 2 times and the decrease in the processes of slag formation and agglomeration.
The research was performed with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant no. 16-29-01060\16 on June 8, 2016).