(616d) Thermal and Biocidal Inactivation of Di-Isopropyl Methylphosphonate and Tributylphosphate through Static and Transient Heating
AIChE Annual Meeting
2018 AIChE Annual Meeting
Particle Technology Forum
Energetic Materials: Engineered Particles and Interfaces II
Thursday, November 1, 2018 - 9:00am to 9:15am
There is currently need to determine the decomposition of chemical warfare agents (CWA) and precursors at high heating rates and in the presence of biocidal agents in order to accurately model CWA decomposition. In this effort, thermal inactivation is studied in thermally static and thermally dynamic environments within a heated cell and by a joule heated hot wire experiment capable of generating heating rates from 100°C/s to 10 6°C/s by means of DC mode pulsed capacitive discharge. Inactivation measurements are performed via high-speed IR laser absorption spectroscopy utilizing a tunable IR laser system in the range of 9.6µm to 10.7µm. CWA simulants utilized in this study are di-isopropyl methylphosphonate (DIMP), a Sarin analog, and tributylphosphate (TBP) a VX simulant, in presence of anaerobic, aerobic, and iodine-based biocides generated from thermite decomposition. The effect of biocidal additives on inactivation is investigated to determine effectiveness and necessity in transient thermal decomposition events.