(733f) Accelerating the Generation of Coal Power Plant Property Models | AIChE

(733f) Accelerating the Generation of Coal Power Plant Property Models


Sauk, B. - Presenter, Carnegie Mellon University
Sahinidis, N., Carnegie Mellon University
Power plants are complex systems that are represented by first principles or empirical models. As power plants are developed with new technologies outside of well-studied thermodynamic regions, data-driven approaches have been used to model these complex systems [5]. For example, thermophysical properties or kinetic reaction models can be explained to an arbitrary level of complexity with an empirical model. The challenge is that these process models are not well understood, and it is not always intuitive what functional forms can be utilized to represent these systems. When optimizing proposed model systems, the efficiency of power plants relies on having accurate models. To maximize efficiency as well as to maintain safe operating conditions, it is essential that complex kinetic and thermophysical relationships are represented accurately, even though determining such a representation may be computationally expensive.

In this work we address the problem of speeding up the model generation process. In particular, we look at accelerating best subset selection algorithms with the use of GPU parallel computing. Best subset selection is a regression problem that seeks to determine a small set of features that best relates a set of inputs to an output [7]. There are many exact and heuristic approaches that can be used to solve the best subset selection problem, such as branch-and-bound [4], forward and backward selection [3], exhaustive search, the lasso [7], and mixed-integer optimization [6, 2, 1]. The proposed approach speeds up the model building process, allowing us to consider a larger feature space and generate more realistic models. The proposed methodology is compared against best subset selection techniques as well as the Automated Learning of Algebraic MOdels (ALAMO) methodology [2].


[1] D. Bertsimas, A. King, and R. Mazumder. Best subset selection via a modern optimization lens. The Annals of Statistics, 44:813–852, 2016.

[2] A. Cozad, N. V. Sahinidis, and D. C. Miller. Automatic learning of algebraic models for optimization. AIChE Journal, 60:2211–2227, 2014.

[3] M.A. Efroymson. Multiple regression analysis. Mathematical methods for digital computers, pages 191–203, 1960.

[4] C. Gatu and EJ Kontoghiorghes. Branch-and-bound algorithms for computing the best-subset regression models. Computational and Graphical Statistics, 15:139–156, 2006.

[5] S Lu and BW Hogg. Dynamic nonlinear modelling of power plant by physical principles and neural networks. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 22.

[6] A. Miller. Subset selection in regression. CRC Press, 2002.

[7] R. Tibshirani. Regression shrinkage and selection via the lasso. Royal Statistical Society, Methodological:267–288, 1996.